So what is true and real?

Nope, this isn’t another rant about us living in the Matrix. At least I don’t think it will go that way… But today I am again wondering what is real. It’s the 21st century and we are forging bonds and friendships online, often without ever meeting the other people in real life. We learn about them and we think we know them, at least until we find out we don’t.

This week I am dealing with the fallout of such a question. When the other person online is a criminal and a scammer, they show you the false reality they have created to get your trust. And they are good at it. They appear just as genuine and real as any of your other online friends. I mean, they are one of your online friends until the plot is exposed. One minute you are talking about your day and the next, you are being blackmailed for a thousand dollars because you shared things maybe you should’’t have shared (to your “friend”).

Sure, the best advise is to be “careful” online and don’t trust anybody, but that’s no way to treat everyone when you enjoy meeting people and making friends. Besides, they’re so good at it, you will swear they are probably still your friend when the scam begins. It’s not fair. It ruins one’s faith in humanity. It destroys trust and ultimately, makes one question everyone they meet online. Are they a friend, or are they just here to exploit me? We think we can tell, but the good scammers are going to convince you to trust them better than your real friends.